Android Q added a new network type, NETWORK_TYPE_NR for 5G which is not available for Android Pie. Recently released Samsung S10 fully supports 5G. It can show 5G icon on the status bar when it is on the 5G network.
Is it possible for a third-party app to know if Android Pie device on a 5G network or not?
Any help will be appreciated.
The following link is the definition for the new network type. It is not available on the Android Pie branch.
Source code for Pie release
The latest source code that has NETWORK_TYPE_NR
I believe they backported the code from Q to Pie as the logic for 5G was implemented at the end of last year in Q (alpha).
So when using
you will likely get
20 (5G)
As per comment below: The network type will be 13 so it doesn't solve the thing.
Try using reflection
static boolean isNRConnected(TelephonyManager telephonyManager) {
try {
Object obj = Class.forName(telephonyManager.getClass().getName())
.getDeclaredMethod("getServiceState", new Class[0]).invoke(telephonyManager, new Object[0]);
Method[] methods = Class.forName(obj.getClass().getName()).getDeclaredMethods();
for (Method method : methods) {
if (method.getName().equals("getNrStatus") || method.getName().equals("getNrState")) {
return ((Integer) method.invoke(obj, new Object[0])).intValue() == 3;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;