Hi i am starsting to learn Scalaz.
I want to get a function and map over it with another function.
although i am able to write this:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import std.function._
import syntax.monad._
((x: Int) => x + 1) map {_ * 7}
and it works, when i use the explicit appraoch as per the examples in github project it does not work (see below)
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import std.option._
import std.function._
import syntax.monad._
Functor[Function1[Int,Int]].map{x:Int => x * 4}{(x:Int) =>x * 7}
I get as error
Error:(10, 17) Function1 takes two type parameters, expected: one Functor[Function1].map{x:Int => x * 4}{(x:Int) =>x * 7}
I did inspired myself from an example in the doc that works
Expanding implicits of ((x: Int) => x * 4) map ((x: Int) => x * 7)
we get
ToFunctorOps(((x: Int) => x * 4))(function1Covariant) map ((x: Int) => x * 7)
Signature of function1Covariant
implicit def function1Covariant[T]: Monad[T => ?] with ...
whilst signature of Functor.apply is
def apply[F[_]](implicit F: Functor[F]): Functor[F] = F
Substituting F[_]
with ({type F[B] = Int => B})#F
, or using kind-projector
with Int => ?
, we make apply
require implicit
Functor[Int => ?]
which is satisfied by function1Covariant[Int]: Monad[Int => ?]
since Monad
is a type of Functor
. Thus we could write explicitly
Functor[({type F[B] = Int => B})#F].map((x: Int) => x * 4)((x: Int) => x * 7)
or using kind-projector as
Functor[Int => ?].map((x: Int) => x * 4)((x: Int) => x * 7)