box-python-sdk is not returning total_count for Get Enterprise Users and Get Group

box-python-sdk methods 'Get Enterprise users' and 'Get Group' supports 'Offset-based Paging', according to api docs they should return total_count, limit, offset fields that can be used for next request/pagination.

# sdk method to get enterprise users
users = client.users(limit=1000, offset=0, filter_term=None, user_type=None, fields=fields)  

{'_session': <boxsdk.session.session.AuthorizedSession object at 0x7f3382a6b400>,  
'_url': '', '_limit': 1000,  
'_fields': ['type', 'id', 'name', 'login', 'created_at', 'modified_at',  
       'language', 'timezone', 'space_amount', 'space_used', 'max_upload_size',  
       'status', 'job_title', 'phone', 'address', 'avatar_url', 'role',  
       'tracking_codes', 'can_see_managed_users', 'is_sync_enabled',  
       'is_external_collab_restricted',  'is_exempt_from_device_limits',  
       'is_exempt_from_login_verification', 'enterprise', 'my_tags', 'hostname',  
'_additional_params': {'user_type': 'managed'},   
'_return_full_pages': False,   
'_has_retrieved_all_items': False,   
'_all_items': None,   
'_offset': 0}

It doesn't return total_count and same goes for method client.get_groups().
I have doubled checked box-api is returning total_count. am i making some mistake or there is a bug in sdk.


  • I got answer of this question on github. If anyone else come here googling, I'm posting this for them.

    Unfortunately the total_count field is not exposed with the iterator. However, you can get back the total_count if you make a manual call as that returns a JSON object.

    Something like this:

    client.make_request('GET', '').

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