I am using IdentityServer4 via ASPNET Core, and I want users to access my API both by the web browser via their identity (Implicit and Hybrid), and by clients programatically (Client Credentials). I realize all I have to do is add AddIdentityServerAuthentication
and I am done. However, that only solves the authentication aspect of this problem, not the authorization.
With ASPNET Core, you can just use Role based auth (or PolicyServer permissions which is similar) but only if you have an identity with role claims, that does not work for client credentials. So that brings us to needing to secure by role, or policies AND by scopes. How can I do this?
will have to use the same authority, so how would IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation/JwtBearer know which you scheme challenge you are trying to pass?az cli
it magically opens a browser, and then you can start scripting away to your hearts content. IS4 supports this with ease, especially with verficationUrlComplete
I think I have a working POC, but I am far from happy with it. https://gist.github.com/VictorioBerra/8c333a228c55d86a7c15f7f300284634
It involves basically re-implementing the default scope claim requirement handler and policyservers permission requirement handler. But thats the only way to conditionally apply the requirement handlers based on the token type.
There are at least a couple of ways of how to go around your problem of implementing role based authentication:
claims in the client_credentials
claim if you implemented client_credentials_custom
flow and essentially bind a client to a particular user account (think of this as a service account)