I am trying to use geographical data - streets and intersections - derived from osmnx together with the Google Street View Static API to get street view images that are
I have used osmnx (see code below) to get data that looks like this:
(NodeView((298466819, 20925446, 298466822, ...
And edges:
OutMultiEdgeView([(298466819, 8324095, 0), (298466819, 298466822, 0), (298466822, 8324094, 0), ...
So I can draw maps like this:
It can easily be converted to lat/long coordinates if that helps.
Using the Google API is quite simple with the google_streetview api:
import google_streetview.api
# Define parameters for street view api
params = [{
'size': '640x640', # max 640x640 pixels
'location': '55.6901769, 12.5595158',
'heading': '0',
'pitch': '0',
'key': '--'
# Create a results object
results = google_streetview.api.results(params)
What I need help to figure out, is, that given the nodes and edges, can I calculate the heading
parameter for each node, such that I get at least one image from the node looking down the street?
Road map graph data:
import osmnx as ox
location_point = (55.6901, 12.5638)
G_nbro = ox.graph_from_point(location_point, distance=500, distance_type='network', network_type='drive')
Getting the POV for Google StreetView API
Is there a way to use the Google Street View API and only return "side view"?
I figured it out.
nodes_dict = {node:nx.neighbors(G_nbro, node) for node in G_nbro.nodes}
for node in nodes_dict.keys():
for nbr in nodes_dict[node]:
print(node, nbr)
Plug into Google API and it works beautifully.