(def a (edn/read-string "(+ 1 3)"))
; => (+ 1 3)
How do I evaluate this resulting list?
(type (first a))
; => cljs.core/Symbol
(= (first a) '+)
; => true
I suppose more generally how would I get from symbol -> function. And is this a normal practice in clojure? I can't seem to find anything on it. Perhaps I'm not searching with the correct terms.
My answer seems to only work in Clojure, not ClojureScript. See the other answer.
I think you may be looking for resolve
(defn my-simple-eval [expr]
; Cut the function symbol from the arguments
(let [[f & args] (edn/read-string expr)]
; Resolve f to a function then apply the supplied arguments to it
(apply (resolve f) args)))
(my-simple-eval "(+ 1 3)")
=> 4
The arguments must be bare numbers for this to work though. If you want to allow for sub-expressions, you could make it recursive:
(defn my-simple-eval-rec [expr]
(letfn [(rec [[f & args]]
(->> args
(map (fn [arg]
(if (list? arg)
(rec arg) ; Process the sub-expr
(apply (resolve f))))]
(rec (edn/read-string expr))))
(my-simple-eval-rec "(+ 1 (+ 2 5))")
=> 8
If this doesn't suffice though, I don't know of any way other than using eval
(def a (edn/read-string "(+ 1 3)"))
(eval a)
=> 4
or, if the data is available at the time macros are expanded, you could just wrap the call to read-string
to have the data interpreted as normal:
(defmacro my-read-string [expr]
(edn/read-string expr))
(my-read-string "(+ 1 3)")
=> 4