
Maven versions plugin: reference a rule.xml from a maven dependency?

I am using the mvn versions:display-dependency-updates versions:display-plugin-updates goals to check for dependencies or plugins updates.

My maven project is a multi module one, which looks like this:

 |- moduleB1
 |    |- moduleC  
 |- moduleB2
 |- build-config/rules.xml

Since there is some unwanted updates, like betas I don't want, I've made a filter (which works). I use it like that:


I am forced to use a profile and a property version.rules.uri because it must refer to an existing file (by default it points to ./build-config/rules.xml, but it is also in my settings.xml with an absolute path).

I'd like to avoid that by:

Now the question: is there an implementation of Maven Wagon Plugin (which is used by maven versions plugin) that allow for reading a repository entry such as a jar ?


  • Based upon the documentation for the plugin this is possible:

    You can provide your ruleset xml file also within a jar, if you want to distribute your ruleset xml as Maven artifact. Therefore you have to declare the containing jar as direct dependency of the versions-maven-plugin and to use classpath as protocol.

    I just tried it out and got it to work.

    Create a new folder for the new version-rules artifact, as so:

      |- files
           \- version-rules.xml
      \- pom.xml

    The pom.xml is pretty basic:


    run a mvn install to install this artifact.

    Then, in the other pom, you configure the versions plugin as follows:
