I have a SQL table of the format (INTEGER, json_array(INTEGER)).
I need to return results from the table that have two boolean columns. One is set to true iff a 1 appears in the json_array, and the other true iff a two appears in the array. Obviously there is not mutual exclusion.
For example, if the data were this:
| 12 | [1, 4, 6, 11] |
| 74 | [0, 1, 2, 5] |
I would hope to get back:
| ID | HAS1 | HAS2 |
| 12 | true | false |
| 74 | true | true |
I have managed to extract the json data out of the values column using json_each, but am unsure how to proceed.
If I recall correctly, SQLite max
aggregate function supports boolean, therefore you can simply group by your data:
max(case json_each.value when 1 then true else false end) as has1,
max(case json_each.value when 2 then true else false end) as has2
yourtable t1,
group by