I have been struggling a bit to understand how can I make use of the Container
that gives me access to the parameters located at config/parameters.yml
The problem in my hands is I created some custom Exceptions
and I created a library that slacks me every time one of those exceptions is triggered. For that, I need to send the container
to the Logger in order to be able to pull those through within the library.
But I am failing to be able to grab a hold on the container
. I have an idea it needs to be injected and that I could achieve such in the config/services.yml
but I am failing to understand how.
So far this is what I have come to achieve:
My Custom Exception Parent
Because all exceptions extend from the parent, they will all trigger the Logger
. And it is at this point I need the container
to exist:
abstract class CriticalLogAlertException extends \RuntimeException
protected $logger;
public function __construct ($message = "", $code = 0, Throwable $previous = NULL)
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
abstract public function generateMessage($message) : string;
What I though was on creating on this class a method setContainer()
that I could use in my config/services.yml
public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->container - $container;
So at this point I could create a property
in the abstract class and use that to pass it to the library
as it would be already available at class execution
. Though I am not too certain this is achievable or correct;
My config/services.yml
Below is the code I added to my services container:
class: AppBundle\Exception\CriticalLogAlertException
- [ setContainer,[ @service_container ] ]
Could someone help me understanding if it something I am missing or misunderstanding in order to set it available?
NOTE: If there is anything else required to better understand my problem, please let me know so I can update my question :)
Thank you in advance!
Sooo, this took me a while but I had to dive deeper in order to understand, which meant to go through some fights and research before being able to start understanding it a bit better.
Was left for a while even though I got it working a while back, but for those wondering the same and new to the process let me share a bit :)
Because I was instantiating the exceptions with throw new
meant I had direct access to the __construct
method. This meant, if my exception was expecting a ContainerInterface
I had to provide one.
Now, two case scenarious could work with this.
1. Injection
With Injection I can autowire the requirements either by using an available service (which we can check with below command);
php bin/console debug:autowiring
Or, if injecting a custom class, I needed to specify where, which and what it provides at services.yml
An possible example of what I am refering to add to services.yml
can be seen below:
class: AppBundle\Exception\TerminationAmlkyc
arguments: ['@service_container']
public: true
2. Instantiation
In my case, I either transferred the ContainerInterface
whenever I needed it for a new class or was able to Instanciated as I referenced above.
Because my origin was through a ContainerAwareCommand
I could make use of $this->getContainer()
to retrieve it and then pass it to the exceptions whenever needed.
throw new TestException($this->getContainer())