
Viewing deployed files app engine standard?

If I go to Google Cloud Platform console / App Engine / Services, and under the Diagnose column click "Tools", then "Source", I get to a screen that says: "Deployed Files".

Under the directory structure, it seems to me I only see non-deployed files. For example I see my app.yaml file there.

How can I view the files that were actually deployed?

Seems like sometime in the past one could run " download_app" to download the deployed files, but that doesn't seem to work anymore, or at least I can't figure out how to specify an "Application ID" since everything now is in terms of services and project ids.


  • App Engine stores and serves static files separately from application files. Static files are not available in the application's file system by default. This can be changed by setting the application_readable option to true.

    Set application_readable in your app.yaml and redeploy your app, static files should appear in Debug

    - url: /static
      static_dir: static
      application_readable: true