I'm trying since several days to enable session storage in memcache on Google App Engine, using the Symfony framework. Application starts well, Memcached instance exists, but I always end up with sessions that are not stored (CSRF on all forms, etc).
So I've created a very simple POC to check if Memcached is working, and it actually doesn't.
Here's the POC code:
runtime: php72
cpu: 1
memory_gb: 0.5
disk_size_gb: 10
$test = new \Memcached;
var_dump( $test->add('test', '42') );
echo 'value of test is: ', $test->get('test');
Result of the following code is:
bool(false) value of test is:
Memcache looks pretty well integrated to App Engine, so I'm wondering why I can't hit it.
Debugging Memcached, the error is the following:
(0x75b27c3c040) NO SERVERS DEFINED -> libmemcached/initialize_query.cc:58
Any idea how to configure it properly?
Memcache is not supported in php72, you have to use php55 in case you need to access memcache