I've been playing with Kotlinx.serialization, and I have been trying to parse a substring:
Given a JSON like:
"Parent" : {
And my code is something like:
data class SomeClass(
@SerialName("SpaceShip") ship:String,
@SerialName("Mark") mark:Int)
Obviously, Json.nonstrict.parse(SomeClass.serializer(), rawString)
will fail because the pair "SpaceShip" and "Mark" are not in the root of the JSON.
How do I make the serializer refer to a subtree of the JSON?
P.S: Would you recommend retrofit instead (because it's older, and maybe more mature)?
import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
data class Parent(
val parent: SomeClass
data class SomeClass(
val ship:String,
val mark:Int
fun main() {
val parent = Json.parse(Parent.serializer(), "{\"Parent\":{\"SpaceShip\":\"Tardis\",\"Mark\":40}}")