I am working with Love2d and Lua, take a look to my custom Lua "class":
-- Tile.lua
local Tile = { img = nil, tileType = 0, x = 0, y = 0 }
function Tile:new (img, tileType, x, y)
o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
self.img = img or nil
self.tileType = tileType or 0
self.x = x or 0
self.y = y or 0
return o
function Tile:getX ()
return self.x
return Tile
and use the class:
-- main.lua
Tile = require("src/Tile")
function love.load()
myGrass = Tile:new(nil, 0, 0, 0)
print(myGrass:getX()) -- 0
otherGrass = Tile:new(nil, 0, 200, 200)
print(myGrass:getX()) -- 200
So, I create a Tile
called myGrass
with x = 0
, then I create other Tile
called otherGrass
now with x = 200
, the result: my first Tile
, myGrass
, change her own x
attribute from 0 to 200 therefore MyGrass
and otherGrass
are the same object (table).
This works:
function Tile:new(img, tileType, x, y)
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, {__index = self})
o.img = img or nil
o.tileType = tileType or 0
o.x = x or 0
o.y = y or 0
return o
Assign new values to new table, not to self