I have two bytes of data. I converted each of them to Uint8 then I produced a Uint16 from them.
How I can produce two's complement of this Uint16 number?
I've tried uInt16 = ~uInt16 + 1
but the code produces 32bit integer and I want it to stay a 16bit Integer.
byte firstByte, secondByte;
int firstUint8, secondUint8, uInt16;
firstByte = buffer[index];//get first byte from buffer
secondByte = buffer[index + 1];//get second byte from buffer
firstUint8=firstByte & 0xFF;//produce Uint8
secondUint8 = secondByte & 0xFF;//produce Uint8
uInt16 = 256 * firstUint8 + secondUint8;//create Uint16 from these to Uint8
twosComplementOfUInt16=~number+1; //produce 32 bit integer but I want int16
Java is not the best programing language to work with bits. But if you want you can read the documentation to see how the number are represented in java; how to work with bytes or you can do a tutorial.
As observation the (~ and +) returns an integer
public static void main(String[] args) {
int uint8 = 0xff;
int uint16 = 0xffff;
long uint32 = 0xffffffff;
int one = 0x0001;
int ten = 0x000A;
int twoComplementOfTen = 0xFFF6;
int computedTwoComplementOfTen = ~ten + one;
int revertTwoComplementOfTen = ~twoComplementOfTen + one;
System.out.printf("One = 0x%04X \n", one);
System.out.printf("ten = 0x%04X \n", ten);
System.out.printf("~ten + one = 0x%04X \n", twoComplementOfTen);
System.out.printf("Computed ~ten + one = 0x%04X \n", computedTwoComplementOfTen);
System.out.printf("~twoComplementOfTen + one = 0x%04X \n", revertTwoComplementOfTen);
System.out.printf("Computed ~ten + one with uint16 mask = 0x%04X \n", uint16 & computedTwoComplementOfTen);
System.out.printf("~twoComplementOfTen + one with uint16 mask = 0x%04X \n", uint16 & revertTwoComplementOfTen);
One = 0x0001
Ten = 0x000A
~ten + one = 0xFFF6
Computed ~ten + one = 0xFFFFFFF6
~twoComplementOfTen + one = 0xFFFF000A
Computed ~ten + one with uint16 mask = 0xFFF6
~twoComplementOfTen + one with uint16 mask = 0x000A