I have a kendo UI Grid that has in-line editing on a single column. That column should be using a datepicker as the input when editing.
However, after setting the value on the datepicker, and then returning to the same row/column, the date does not then show in the datepicker input.
I have created a Dojo to show what I mean: https://dojo.telerik.com/eJEmoVEv/4
After the help from @DontVoteMeDown I finally found an answer to this. The datepicker is expecting the Comment field to be of date type, so adding in a kendo.parse and then resetting the comment field fixed this issue.
See updated kendo dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/eJEmoVEv/4
var dateTimeComment = kendo.parseDate(options.model.Comment);
options.model.Comment = dateTimeComment;