
How to generate NodeJS signature code from hmacsha1

timestamp and device_id are always changed when I request a function to generate signature, but the signature hash it generates is always


Hash generating code:

function timeMil(){
    var date = new Date();
    var timeMil = date.getTime();
    return timeMil;

const device_id = "2752707c1c745ff8";
const secret_key = "9LXAVCxcITaABNK48pAVgc4muuTNJ4enIKS5YzKyGZ";
const timestamp = timeMil();

let array = [login_type, device_id, timestamp];
let hash = crypto.createHmac('sha1', secret_key).update(implode(array, "|")).digest('hex');


Genarated hash_hmac alway is ea6b458e9a840b7f93236244bf1ea7cb564a8f08


  • There is no "implode" function in JavaScript; its equivalent is using join on an array:

    const crypto = require('crypto');
    function timeMil(){
       return new Date().getTime();
    const login_type = 'test';
    const device_id = "2752707c1c745ff8";
    const secret_key = "9LXAVCxcITaABNK48pAVgc4muuTNJ4enIKS5YzKyGZ";
    const timestamp = timeMil();
    let array = [login_type, device_id, timestamp];
    let hash = crypto.createHmac('sha1', secret_key).update(array.join("|")).digest('hex');