I wrote my first tap, so I'm still not sure how it works. I wrote this small formula:
class Konversation < Formula
desc "Konversation is a tool to generate rich and diversified responses to the user of a voice application."
homepage "https://github.com/rewe-digital-incubator/Konversation/"
url "https://github.com/rewe-digital-incubator/Konversation/releases/download/1.0.0/konversation-cli.jar"
sha256 "6123d126278faae2419f5de00411a1b67ae57e0cf2265a5d484ed6f9786baaca"
def install
prefix.install "#{buildpath}/konversation-cli.jar"
File.write("#{buildpath}/konversation", "java -jar #{prefix}/konversation-cli.jar $@")
bin.install "#{buildpath}/konversation"
system "chmod", "+x", "#{bin}/konversation"
However I cannot run my tool since the "konversation" executable has no x permission. I tried to fix that with a system chmod, however I see that my x flag is removed after the installation by brew as some kind of cleanup:
==> Cleaning
Fixing /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/konversation/bin/konversation permissions from 777 to 444
How can I set the file permissions correctly?
Please note that I don't want to host the shell script itself somewhere, since I see no advance in packaging the shell script and the jar file in another zip file for destitution.
If you want to try it yourself try this command:
brew install rekire/packages/konversation
Shell scripts need to have a shebang line, otherwise the postinstall cleaner will set its permissions as though it were not an executable. In this specific case, I suggest:
instead -- this will set up the correct environment for JAR scripts.jar
s to libexec
instead of prefix
-- to avoid polluting the prefix with unnecessary files.