I'm trying to test a component that renders a couple of asynchronously imported children with React Loadable like a Modal for example. My test looks like this
// Using React Testing Library
import { fireEvent, getByTestId, wait } from 'react-testing-library';
test('with RTL', async () => {
// There is a portal. I leave it in the code sample in case it gives any hints
const portalNode = document.getElementById('overlay');
const { container, getByLabelText } = render(<SearchFormComposed {...props} />);
const list = await wait(() => getByTestId(portalNode, 'myList'));
The test gives a not very helpful error shown bellow
I can find no information about this error at all. Anyone could shed some light here please?
Thanks in advance for your time!
I had the same issue when i used 'plugin-syntax-dynamic-import' for dynamic import. switch it to 'babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node' helped me to resolve that.
plugins: [
// 'syntax-dynamic-import',