I am trying to identify the internet connection in BrightScript using scenegraph. If there is no internet, I wanted show some error screen on internet goes off.
I checked in Roku's documentation, I didn't find much coding samples there.
I found that we can use, GetInfo().linkStatus
to get the network status
But I want to add observer to get the status everytime whenever status changes.
you can check your message port for linkStatus events on BrightScript and reflect its state into your SG scene.
Here is an example:
Add a field in scene.xml to be your link status interface between brs and SG, such as
<field id="offline" type="boolean" value="false" alwaysNotify="true" onChange="onOfflineChanged" />
Then, in main.brs, create an roDeviceInfo instance (in case haven't one already) and assign the same message port you are already using:
m.deviceInfo = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo")
Enable link status events on your roDeviceInfo instance
to be able to receive roDeviceInfoEvent
events when waiting for new messages from your roMessagePort.
Each time you get a message from your port, check its type and assign the new linkStatus value to the scene field created in the first step
if msgType = "roDeviceInfoEvent" and msg.isStatusMessage() then scene.offline = not msg.getInfo().linkStatus
The callback should be declared in the scene.brs file
function onOfflineChanged()
' your code here
end if
end function
and that's it.
For extra correctness, you should check its status as soon as the app is launched. You could do so with
scene.offline = not m.deviceInfo.GetLinkStatus()
before entering the while(true) loop.