I have a server:
Intel Processor: Intel® Xeon® X3450, 4x2x2.66 GHz
The per day visitors:
100k unique
400k clicks
Basically, 20 domains run from a single script. I do quite often update the script. Daily. I was wondering whether Zend Optimizer is a good option to optimize script perfomance. (even though, I don't feel any discomfort at the moment)
My two main concerns are:
In response to your first point. No, Zend Optimizer was only really relevant with php4. Since PHP5, the internal engine/ has been improved such that the optimizer is redundant. What you should look at using if you are not already is APC [1], there is lots of stuff on here and google about it but in short, it caches your code so PHP doesn't have to compile it every time the page is run. (and it makes a MASSIVE difference to code execution speed)
You should also look at running some form of profiler such as XHprof [2] or xdebug[3] on the code so you can see where the bottlenecks are.
You might also want to think about using a different web server such as nginx/lighttpd/apache or fine tuning its configuration
For you second question about Coda - ask it as another question on here or programmers.stackoverflow
[1] http://php.net/manual/en/book.apc.php [2] http://mirror.facebook.net/facebook/xhprof/doc.html [3] http://www.xdebug.org/