
Setting the corners of surface mesh parameterization with CGAL

I am playing with the square_border_parameterizer.cpp example from CGAL-4.14. I would like to not only choose the four corners but also to decide which is which. That is, I would like to specify, which corner will be assigned the parameter pair (0,0), which will become (0,1), which will become (1,0) and which will become (1,1). Is it possible?

I tried the Nefertiti example delivered with CGAL with several permutations of the selected corners.


133 8 0 287


8 0 287 133

corners 3.selection.txt:

287 0 8 133

However, result.off seems quite the same in all three cases when open in Meshlab.

I also had a look at the source code but I couldn't conclude yet how to achieve my goal. And as far as I can tell, the documentation only mentions that one can choose the four corners.


  • What you should tweak is the boundary halfedge taken in argument by the parameterizer.

    Internally (in particular, in the function compute_offsets() of Square_border_parameterizer), the corners are attributed their geometric uv position by walking the border, starting from the halfedge bhd that you have passed in input: the first corner met will be at uv(0,0), etc.

    Thus, if you want to modify which vertex is at (0,0) and looking at the squared_border_example.cpp that you were playing with, you can simply add:

      while(source(bhd, sm) != vda[i])
        bhd = next(bhd, sm); // walk the border

    before the call to SMP::paramterize() with i=0,...,3, and you will obtain any rotation of the parameterized space you might want.