
Problems with hystrix-dashboard turbine using FileBasedInstanceDiscovery

I am trying to set up a hystrix-dashboard with turbine. I am not using Eureka and want to use the FileBasedInstanceDiscovery. I am trying to configure this but following the online documentation doesn't seem to work. It always tries to use the Eureka discovery client. I tried excluding the eureka from my pom but then it falls back to another discovery client CommonsInstanceDiscovery

Here is my application.properties:


Is there another way to do this? Also, for the filePath for my turbine hostnames, where does it start looking? Can I have the file under my resources directory of my jar?

here is my pom file dependencies:





  • Some of the documentation is unclear and conflicting for turbine, I think this is because there is the spring-cloud-netflix project and a standalone turbine project. At any rate, if you are building a spring-boot app then this property is not useful:


    If you want to change the implementation of InstanceDiscovery it is pretty simple, just create a bean that implements InstanceDiscovery like this:

    public InstanceDiscovery instanceDiscovery() {
        //choose either one of the provided implementations from spring or
        //create your own
        return new ConfigPropertyBasedDiscovery();
        //return new FileBasedInstanceDiscovery();

    Make sure you put this in a @Configuration class. I originally had mine just in my SpringBootApplication class but this doesn't allow you to override the default implementation.