To create an Excel Add-In (*.xlam) I follow these steps:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns
Now when I select a drop-down box Choose commands from
and select the Macros
option, I see my Hello subroutine listed there. I can add it to the ribbon.
option in the Choose commands from
drop-down box and I don't see my subroutine listed there. The column is empty. I thus cannot add my add-in to the ribbon.
What did I do wrong? Why this procedure works in Excel but not in PowerPoint? How can I add my PowerPoint Add-In to the ribbon?
PowerPoint <> Excel.
It might work if you declared your add-in subroutines as Public, but the usual way to do this is to add RibbonX code to your PPTM/saved PPAM that creates the buttons etc. you want.
Adding a macro from PowerPoint add-in to ribbon
The Leaf Creations editor mentioned there is gone, but Ron DeBruin's site is a gold mine of good advice.
Ken Puls et al have a great book on RibbonX coding; it might seem to be out of date but most of the info is still good: