
No more emulator64-x86 or emulator64-arm using sdkmanager

Since 1st May, i don't have any emulator64-x86 or emulator64-arm when i use the sdkmanager.

Process :

-> ./sdkmanager platform-tools

-> ./sdkmanager "build-tools;27.0.3"

-> ./sdkmanager --install emulator

Before the 1st May i get the binary emulator64-x86, emulator64-arm and emulator64-crash-service

Now i just have the emulator64-crash-service !

i saw there is one update on platform-tools 28.0.1 -> 28.0.2 and one on android emulator 28.0.23 -> 28.0.25

I can't get the emulator64-x86 no more.

There is a new way to get the emulator64-x86 ?




  • Thanks for your reply,

    I tried to use emulator instead of emulator64-x86 but it doesnt work for me.

    After some researches, i sucessfully run my AVD with qemu-system-i386 located in emulator/qemu/linux-x86_64/qemu-system-i386.

    I got same results than before with this emulator, it seems to be good for me now.