
How do I include both a left and right sidemenu in ionic v4?

I am trying to use a single menu for both LTR and RTL but the issue I am facing when its RTL then the menu is opening from the left side which should be from the right side


  • I don't believe you can use a single menu for both RTL and LTR swiping behavior. You could instead, use a service that would populate the menu information with a *ngIf=let link of links", and then just have a menu on either side of the app that subscribes to the links provided in the service.

    The attribute side="end" or side="start" controls which side of the app the menu will appear on, so if you want to swipe from the right side of the screen you'd use slide="end" on your ion-menu.

    <ion-menu side="end" contentId="mainContent" menuId="slidingMenu" id="slidingMenu">
          <ion-title>{{(menu?.details | async)?.title}}</ion-title>
          <ion-item class="item-mute">
          <ion-item *ngFor="let link of (menu?.details | async)?.links" detail