Below is the source code of Keytab implementation in Java. This snippet reads the key version from the keytab file. I am having trouble understanding how this works. Why is the bitwise AND and shift left operation performed?
What my code calls:
KeyTab keytab = KeyTab.getInstance(keytabFile); // passing keytab file location.
This file is in binary format. KeyTabInputStream reads the data.
private void load(KeyTabInputStream var1) throws IOException, RealmException {
**this.kt_vno = var1.readVersion();**
if (this.kt_vno == 1281) {
boolean var2 = false;
while(var1.available() > 0) {
int var4 = var1.readEntryLength();
KeyTabEntry var3 = var1.readEntry(var4, this.kt_vno);
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(">>> KeyTab: load() entry length: " + var4 + "; type: " + (var3 != null ? var3.keyType : 0));
if (var3 != null) {
public int readVersion() throws IOException {
int var1 = ( & 255) << 8;
return var1 | & 255;
presumably returns 8 "interesting" bits since & 255
"retrieves" only the last 8 bits, shifting that by 8 bits means that now the bits 9-16 hold the data.
Then performing another read + &
again gets 8 bits, |
that with the shifted bits from the step prior you now have one int
with 16 relevant bits set: bit 1-8 hold the result of the second read while bits 9-16 hold the bits of the first read.