
VWO Split URL test no redirect link

I'm using VWO to do some split url testing. Is there some query param you can pass in the url so it doesn't get put into the a/b test and doesn't get redirected.

For example lets say I'm running a split URL test on

mywebsite.com/a vs. mywebsite.com/b

I want to give someone a link to mywebsite.com/a without being included in the split URL test, ensuring that they actually get to mywebsite.com/a and not mywebsite.com/b

Is there some query param or some other way I can ensure this?

(example: mywebsite.com/a?vwo_testing=false)


  • In my use case I was able to go to https://vwo.com/opt-out/ and opt out of being redirected. Another option is to add ?vwo_opt_out=1 param to the url.