I am trying to write some functional tests, and I want to mock a service that consumes an external provider. But I can not set up the mock for the functions that return EitherT
This is the Trait whose implementation call the external service
trait ExternalService {
def index: EitherT[Future, String, JsValue]
In the CustomAppPerSuite trait I set up
val mockExternalService = mock[ExternalService]
implicit override lazy val app = new GuiceApplicationBuilder()
val externalService = app.injector.instanceOf[ExternalService]
Then When I try to mock the succesful response
"ExternalController#index" should {
"return index data" in {
doReturn(EitherT.rightT(Json.parse("""{"key": "value"}""")).when(externalService).index
val fakeRequest = FakeRequest(GET, "/api/external")
val result = externalController.index().apply(fakeRequest)
status(result) mustBe OK
But I get this error
[error] found : cats.data.EitherT[cats.package.Id,Nothing,JsValue]
[error] required: cats.data.EitherT[scala.concurrent.Future,String,JsValue]
[error] def index = EitherT.rightT(
I only want to mock the successful response, because it is what I am testing. Is there a way to do this?
Try helping the compiler out by providing some type parameters to rightT
like so
EitherT.rightT[Future, String](Json.parse("""{"key": "value"}"""))
instead of
EitherT.rightT(Json.parse("""{"key": "value"}"""))