I'm trying to read from file two lists of own data type 'BoardEdge'. When I try to run code I get exception:
"Main.hs: Prelude.read: no parse"
As I suspect I get this on function responsible for validatation of input (validateInput). When I try this function in ghci inserting two BoardEdge 'objects' it works well and gives True.
Can anyone provide me with advice what am I doing wrong and how can I solve the problem?
Data types:
data Field = Empty | Black | Yellow deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Read)
data BoardEdge = BoardEdge { colRow :: [[(Field, Int)]]} deriving (Read, Eq, Ord, Show)
main :: IO()
main = do
args <- getArgs
input <- loadInput args
putStrLn "Puzzle input loaded:"
putStrLn input
let parsedInput = parseInput input
if (validateInput parsedInput)
then putStrLn "Input is valid."
else error "Input invalid!"
-- asks for path and reads input file
loadInput :: [String] -> IO String
loadInput [] = getPath >>= readFile where
getPath = do
putStrLn "Provide path to puzzle input file:"
loadDefinition (a:_) = readFile a
-- get valid data from input file
parseInput :: String -> (B.BoardEdge,B.BoardEdge)
parseInput d = parseInput' $ lines d where
parseInput' (columns: rows :_) =
(read columns, read rows)
Valdiation function in Board.hs imported qualified as B:
validateInput :: (B.BoardEdge,B.BoardEdge) -> Bool
validateInput (columns, rows) = rowColEq where
rowColEq = countBlocks columns == countBlocks rows
-- function that counts total quantity of colored blocks
countBlocks :: (B.BoardEdge)-> Int
countBlocks (B.BoardEdge colRow) = countBlocks' $ concat colRow where
countBlocks' [] = 0
countBlocks' (x:xs) = snd x + countBlocks' xs
And my input files are like this:
Gluing together your own code snippets and Fyodor's comment:
Prelude> data Field = Empty | Black | Yellow deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Read)
Prelude> data BoardEdge = BoardEdge { colRow :: [[(Field, Int)]]} deriving (Read, Eq, Ord, Show)
Prelude> let edge1 = BoardEdge [[(Black,2),(Yellow,2),(Black,1)],[(Black,2),(Yellow,1),(Black,3)]]
Prelude> show edge1
"BoardEdge {colRow = [[(Black,2),(Yellow,2),(Black,1)],[(Black,2),(Yellow,1),(Black,3)]]}"
Prelude> let correctInput = it -- ^^ the above
So now we know what read
expects, which is what show
produced. How does this compare with what you used as the input?
Prelude> let myInput = "[[(Black,2),(Yellow,2),(Black,1)],[(Black,2),(Yellow,1),(Black,3)]]"
Prelude> correctInput == myInput
Or less snarky: If you want default read
instances to parse your input then your input must be correct Haskell code with data constructors and all. In this case using BoardEdge
was needed.