
Plex how to get the claim token with CLI

I'm getting issue when I try to claim the token throught cli. In the normal way you access and get the token, if not logged you'll need to log in with your account. I'm wondering it it's possible to get the claim token giving the username and password.

First, I need to log in and get the auth token. I have made this command in cURL :

curl -X "POST" "" -H "X-Plex-Version: 1.0.0" -H "X-Plex-Product: WHATEVER" -H "X-Plex-Client-Identifier: YOUR-PRODUCT-ID" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" --data-urlencode "user[password]=PASSWORD" --data-urlencode "user[login]=LOGIN-OR-EMAIL"

It output something like :

            "Android - PiP",



How can I claim the token now ? I don't found any api to get that token. We can only get from the website

The token is like : claim-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

I can't find the token in the source page


  • I found it looking at source of plex. Here is a sample script:

    <script src=""></script>
    <span>Token: <span id="token"></span></span>
    var TokenIdentifier = ""
    var ClientIdentifier = ""
    var i = {
        "X-Plex-Product": "Plex SSO",
        "X-Plex-Token": TokenIdentifier,
        "X-Plex-Client-Identifier": ClientIdentifier 
        dataType: "json",
        type: "GET",
        headers: i,
        url: "",
        crossDomain: !0,
        success: function(e) {
            $.each(e, function(index, element) {
                document.getElementById("token").innerHTML = element;