When trying to insert an Entity - A
with a set
Another Entity B
, B
should get the Auto generated Id
from A
but its null
Tried and failed:
- Same error.@Embeddable
class StoryId {
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.Lazy)
@JoinColumn(name = "STORY_ID")
Long id;
//Incomprehensible Null pointer exceptionmappedBy("story")
- same error
and updatable=false
[Hibernate doesn't recognize insertable=false
for @EmbeddedId
]I am getting STORY_ID = null
and therefore saveAll
fails on storyRepository.saveAll(stories)
where storyRepository
is a Spring Data repository
@Table(name = "STORY")
class Story {
Long id;
String name;
//@OneToMany(cascade=ALL, mappedBy="taskPKId.storyId.id", fetch = FetchType.Lazy) // tried this as well
@OneToMany(cascade=ALL, mappedBy="story", fetch = FetchType.Lazy)
Set<Task> task;
@Table(name = "TASK_XREF")
Class Task {
TaskPKId taskPKId;
@Column(name = "TASK_NAME")
String name;
@ManyToOne (fetch = FetchType.Lazy, optional = false)
@JoinColumn(name = "STORY_ID", referencedColumnName = "STORY_ID", nullable = false, insertable = false, updatable = false)
Story story;
Class TaskPKId implements Serializable {
TaskId taskId;
TaskTypeId taskTypeId;
StoryId storyId;
class StoryId implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "STORY_ID")
Long id;
]Story gets inserted (before commit ofcourse), but fails because STORY_ID
is sent as null to TASK_XREF
for the next inserts
I'm not quite sure why your configuration does not work. I have a similar configuration in one of my projects that works just fine. I was able to find a solution however, by adding a @MapsId annotation to the ManyToOne in the Task class. (see can someone please explain me @MapsId in hibernate? for an explanation about MapsId) I also removed insertable=false and updatable=false. See below for the code.
I didn't get MapsId to work with the StoryId class, so i changed the type of TaskPKID.storyId from StoryId to long. The StoryId class doesn't seem to add much, so hopefully this isn't to much of a problem. If you find a solution please let me know in the comments though!
By the way, your code has a lot of problems. There's a bunch of typo's, and there is a OneToMany mapping on a property that is not a Collection (which isn't allowed) This made it more difficult for me to debug the problem. Please make sure to post better quality code in your questions next time.
Here is the Task class the way I implemented it:
@Table(name = "TASK_XREF")
class Task {
TaskPKId taskPKId;
@Column(name = "TASK_NAME")
String name;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
@JoinColumn(name = "STORY_ID")
Story story;
//getters, setters
And here is the TaskPKID class:
class TaskPKId implements Serializable {
long taskId;
long taskTypeId;
long storyId;
public long getTaskId() {
return taskId;
public void setTaskId(long taskId) {
this.taskId = taskId;
public void setTaskTypeId(long taskTypeId) {
this.taskTypeId = taskTypeId;