Is there any way to integrate the functionality related to GDPR into a Gatbsy JS website?
Cookiehub would be a great option, and there's even a plugin for it but this plugin does not seem to work as it should.
Here's the link to the plugin:
Do you have any other suggestion that I should look into?
All in all there isn't much that makes a Gatsby site different from a standpoint of the basics of online compliance (I've recently seen more and more people asking about this).
You can link to or have a privacy policy page, terms of service if needed, and even for cookies there are good options, too.
On that front I've recently seen this iubenda Gatsby integration/plugin, that probably does more than you might have had in mind. You'll just integrate the iubenda options in your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-iubenda-cookie-footer',
options: {
iubendaOptions: {"lang":"en","siteId":XXXXX,"cookiePolicyId":YYYYY, /* ... */ },