I am trying to display a grid of lines with a set of cells that fill the squares in said lines.
I have already tried concatenating them like simple lists.
This is the grid of lines. It is displayed correctly on its own.
grid = translate (fromIntegral width * (-0.5))
(fromIntegral height * (-0.5))
(pictures (concat [
[line [(i * unitWidth, 0.0)
,(i * unitWidth, fromIntegral height)]
,line [(0.0, i * unitHeight)
,(fromIntegral width, i * unitHeight)]
| i <- [1..gridDimension]]
This is the set of units that are drawn between the lines, also displayed correctly on its own.
units = pictures [translate ((x*unitWidth - unitWidth/2) + (fromIntegral width*(-0.5)))
((y*unitHeight - unitHeight/2) + (fromIntegral height*(-0.5)))
| x <- [1..gridDimension], y <- [1..gridDimension]]
My main method:
main = display window backgroundColor units
I can exchange units for grid in this place and it works fine. I also tried this:
main = display window backgroundColor (units++grid)
It threw the following error:
40: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘[a0]’ with actual type ‘Picture’
• In the first argument of ‘(++)’, namely ‘grid’
In the third argument of ‘display’, namely ‘(grid ++ units)’
In the expression: display window backgroundColor (grid ++ units)
10 | main = display window backgroundColor (grid++units)
| ^^^^
/home/georg/Desktop/THM/6_semester/funktionale_programmierung/my/app/Main.hs:10:40: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘Picture’ with actual type ‘[a0]’
• In the third argument of ‘display’, namely ‘(grid ++ units)’
In the expression: display window backgroundColor (grid ++ units)
In an equation for ‘main’:
main = display window backgroundColor (grid ++ units)
10 | main = display window backgroundColor (grid++units)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
/home/georg/Desktop/THM/6_semester/funktionale_programmierung/my/app/Main.hs:10:46: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘[a0]’ with actual type ‘Picture’
• In the second argument of ‘(++)’, namely ‘units’
In the third argument of ‘display’, namely ‘(grid ++ units)’
In the expression: display window backgroundColor (grid ++ units)
10 | main = display window backgroundColor (grid++units)
| ^^^^^
The (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
function appends two lists, a Picture
is not a list, so you can not use that function.
You can however use the (<>) :: Semigroup m => m -> m -> m
here, since a Picture
is an instance of a Semigroup
we thus can write it like:
main = display window backgroundColor (units <> grid)
or you can use pictures :: [Picture] -> Picture
again, and include your units
and grid
, like:
main = display window backgroundColor (pictures [units, grid])