
Android Tablet - 3.0 Icon set/Guidelines

The latest version of Android is 3.0 Honeycomb. Before this version, we are providing 3 resolutions images for the application,i.e. hdpi, mdpi and ldpi.

But, what are the icon resolutions for the 3.0 Honeycomb? or the same icon resolutions works with Honeycomb version as well. (Because tablet are of large screen i.e. Extra high density (320), xhdpi)

I have already gone through SDK:,, but failed to find solutions.


  • You have the xhdpi and xlarge qualifiers for the resources.

    Also, the usual rule to know the size of an hdpi icon corresponding to a mdpi icon is to multiply by 1.5 the dimensions (because resolution is 1.5 times greater: 240dpi vs 160dpi). For tablets width xhdpi screens, you could apply the same calculation: multiply by 2 the dimensions of mdpi images (320dpi vs 160dpi).