
Can malware binaries be in packed form?

Recently I'm reading malware analysis. I'm going through this Malware Repository ( Here we can find malware binaries. Can binaries be in packed form? If so, how can we say that these binaries are packed or not?

PS: Packers compress a program and will try to hide internals from us(sort of compression or encryption). I got a doubt regarding this. Can binaries be in the packed form or not?

Edit2: In this repository, they just zipped it to be safe which is not actual packing I'm talking about. After unzipping, we will get a binary. Whether that can be in packed form or not?


  • First of all, the distinction you make between "packers" and archiver programs (ZIP, etc) or compression programs doesn't appear to have any basis.

    A "packed" executable cannot be executed directly. It must be unpacked first. This is exactly the same as (say) a ZIP file containing malware, or a malware file that has been compressed with a standard compression program.

    What about a "packed" executable that has been created by a program that does the "packing" in a secret way ... to evade detection? Well that won't work. The malware still has to be unpacked before it can be executed. So that means that the bad gut now has a second problem: getting the unpacker onto the victims machine. And once someone (an anti-hacker) gets hold of the super-secret unpacker, it is no longer secret. It can be reverse engineered ... or simply used as-is by an AV product on suspicious binary files.

    The only practical use of "packing" that I can think of is to add self-unpacking functionality to the malware. The malware (as distributed) would consist of an executable with a small amount of code that implemented the unpacker. The rest of the executable would be packed code that implements the nasty stuff. When the user runs the malware, it would unpack the packed code, load it into memory and start executing.

    However, there are potential ways to detect or prevent this kind of thing.

    In short, malware could use some kind of "packing" to hide itself, but there must be an executable component somewhere to unpack it.

    If so, how can we say that these binaries are packed or not?