the graph version was updated via cocoapods all 3.1.1
now however the application notifies me of errors when I use the search, I think I have solved the problem in part but it still notifies me error, I don't know how to replace the control on a field as it was in version 2.2.2. Can anyone tell me something?
Before All ok
func caricaPromemoriaConPriorita(valore : Int) -> [Entity] {
let search = Search<Entity>(graph: db).for(types: "Promemoria").where(properties: [(key: "priorita", value: valore)])
return search.sync().sorted { ($0["dataFine"] as! Date) < ($1["dataFine"] as! Date)}
Ver 3.1.1 error I modified it this way, it works to define the table but I don't know how to do it for comparison
let predicate: Predicate = .type(["Promemoria"])
let search = Search<Entity>(graph: db).where(predicate)
Hello, the graph version was updated via cocoapods all 3.1.1
now however the application notifies me of errors when I use the search, I think I have solved the problem in part but it still notifies me error, I don't know how to replace the control on a field as it was in version 2.2.2. Can anyone tell me something?
how do you get the same result that I get with this code?
.where(properties: [(key: "priorita", value: valore)])
With new api:
let search = Search<Entity>(graph: db).where(.type("Promemoria") && "priorita" == valore)
search.sync().sorted { ($0.dataFine as! Date) < ($1.dataFine as! Date)}