
assigning mysql value to variable inline

Why doesn't this work i'm trying to get the previous and current value to calculate percent change. I get both values correctly but now how can I reuse them to do the math operatio

When I try the below command I get ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'currentVal' in 'field list'

            SELECT IFNULL(DValue,0) as currentVal, 
                      (SELECT IFNULL(DValue,0) 
                       FROM ...
                       WHERE...) as previousVal, 
            FROM ...
            WHERE ...;


  • Wrap another query around what you currently have and calculate your percentage there:

    SELECT currentVal, previousVal, 
           (currentVal-previousVal)/previousVal AS percentChange
        FROM (SELECT IFNULL(DValue,0) as currentVal, 
                      (SELECT IFNULL(DValue,0) 
                           FROM ...
                           WHERE...) as previousVal
                  FROM ...
                  WHERE ...) t