I am following the official guide of feathers js authenticate https://docs.feathersjs.com/guides/chat/authentication.html but it seems like even after following the guide step by step I am unable to generate tokens. Here is the body of my request to http://localhost:3030/authentication
"strategy": "local",
"email": "abc@foo.com",
"password": "12345678"
and here is the response I got
"name": "NotAuthenticated",
"message": "Invalid login",
"code": 401,
"className": "not-authenticated",
"data": {
"message": "Invalid login"
"errors": {}
I am using Sequilize with MySQL and I have tested my services using postman and they all are working fine (get/post data from the database)
I figured it out. It was not working because the verify method in authentication-local was verifying the password assuming that the password was hashed using their hashing utility method.
Starting the server with debug mode on have helped to figure out this issue