As expected, the following code emits 42 after 5 seconds:
const valueObservable = of(42).pipe(delay(5000));
valueObservable.subscribe((value) => console.log(value));
However, this throwing version errors immediately on subscription:
const throwingObservable = throwError(new Error('My Error')).pipe(delay(5000));
throwingObservable.subscribe((value) => console.log(value), (error) => console.error(error));
Why does this happen? How do I delay the throwing of the error?
Rxjs error is exception, it stop immediately the stream and let you catch it to react to something un expected. I guess you have no way to manipulate throwError stream except with catchError
Solution 1: Manipulate stream before throw the error.
const throwingObservable = throwError(new Error('My Error'));
timer(5000).pipe(mergeMap(e => throwingObservable))
.subscribe((value) => console.log(value), (error) => console.error(error));
Solution 2: Catch the error, delay the stream, then dispatch it again
// We catch the error, we delay by adding timer stream, then we mergeMap to the error.
catchError(e => timer(1000).pipe(mergeMap(t => throwError(e)))
)).subscribe(console.log, console.error);