
CLion new C++ Class file template

CLion has file template to generate C++ Class, which generates source file and header. In my project I have handler classes that have same code part, and i want to generate them by file templates. And templates that i created can't do this:

  1. Set file names for class MyHandlerClass i want my_handler_class.cpp and .hpp

  2. From one class name i want to generate 2 files header and source, don't know how to do that.

  3. I also want to have string like MyClass -> my-class, found function $lowercaseAndDash($NAME) but don't know why its not works

I have template for header:

#pragma once
// includes

namespace handlers {

class ${NAME}: public Parent {
  // methods


I tried to solve first problem by setting the file name like this: #set ($FILE_NAME = "test_class.hpp"). But i don't know hot to set CamelCase to snake, and this don't works.

Also find in docs function to snake case, but its not works for me in file template.


    1. Its impossible to change file name from template. When you create a C++ Class, you set class name and select file name encoding. When you create file from template its saves file with your file name. I found solution this way, enter file_name (in snake case), and with Velocity create CamelCaseName for class name:

      #set( $CamelCaseName = "" )

      #set( $part = "" )

      #foreach($part in $NAME.split("_"))

      #set( $CamelCaseName = "${CamelCaseName}$part.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()$part.substring(1).toLowerCase()" )


    2. Its impossible to generate 2 files from one click like it do C++ Class template. I have to templates, and use them both.

    3. This function is for liveTemplates, for FileTemplate i used velocity: #set( $NeededString = $NAME.replaceAll('_', '-') )

      To include header file from cpp use #[[#include]]# "${NAME}.hpp"