I've successfully connected to a mailbox with node-imap
const imap = new Imap({
user: 'user@yandex.com',
password: 'pwd',
host: 'imap.yandex.com',
port: 993,
tls: true
imap.once('ready', () => {
console.log('Opening inbox');
imap.openBox('INBOX', true, (error, mailbox) => {
if (error) throw error;
// ???
How would I now get notified of new emails when they arrive? I've read up about IMAP and I should be using the IDLE command. But how would I achieve this with node-imap
After going through the documentation, it seems that the IMAP connection emits a mail
event upon receiving new mail: https://github.com/mscdex/node-imap#connection-events, so listening for that event should be notification that there is new mail to be received or processed.