I'm implementing AndroidInstrumentationTest for first time using Android Studio 3.2, trying to check if method returns color resource ID from attributes (R.attr and color setted in styles) depending on String, but the resource ID returned is always 0 instead of expected.
The code is working properly in my app and color is setted as this:
The problem is fetchColor from tests returns 0
Other resources as mContext.getString() works perfectly
Test class is annotated with @RunWith(AndroidJunit4::class) and running on Android Pie (28) emulated and device
I tried different context with same result:
Method to test
fun getTextColor(status: String?, mContext: Context): Int{
return when(status){
"A", "B" ->{
"C", "D"->{
else -> {
Methods to fetch color resource if from attributes
fun fetchCorrectColor(context: Context): Int{
return fetchColor(context, R.attr.correct)
private fun fetchColor(context: Context, colorId: Int): Int{
val typedValue = TypedValue()
context.theme.resolveAttribute(colorId, typedValue, true)
return typedValue.data
@Test fun getTextColor_isCorrect(){
Assert.assertEquals(R.attr.correct, getTextColor("A", mContext))
Assert.assertEquals(R.attr.correct, getTextColor("B", mContext))
Assert.assertEquals(R.attr.warning, getTextColor("C", mContext))
Assert.assertEquals(R.attr.warning, getTextColor("D", mContext))
Assert.assertEquals(R.attr.disabled, getTextColor(null, mContext))
This is the error that I'm getting all the time:
java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<2130968760> but was:<0>
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:88)
Attributes are Theme
aware. Be sure context
uses same theme
as your app:
Sample test code that resolves R.attr.colorPrimary
attribute that's only available in AppCompat
fun testColorPrimary() {
// Context of the app under test.
val appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext()
// actual R.color.colorPrimary value
val actualPrimaryColor = appContext.getColor(R.color.colorPrimary)
// R.attr.colorPrimary resolved with invalid theme
val colorPrimary1 = TypedValue().also {
appContext.theme.resolveAttribute(R.attr.colorPrimary, it, true)
// provided context has invalid theme so attribute resolution fails (returns 0)
assertEquals(0, colorPrimary1)
// be sure test context uses same theme as app
// R.attr.colorPrimary resolved from valid theme
val colorPrimary2 = TypedValue().also {
appContext.theme.resolveAttribute(R.attr.colorPrimary, it, true)
// valid theme returns proper color
assertEquals(actualPrimaryColor, colorPrimary2)