
Get signal from different PC sound card channels using Python

I want to know about how to get signal from different channels PC sound card using Python. In one channel, I want to get a simple signal like sine wave and from another, I want to get a square wave.

I know that I can get signal using pyaudio like

FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
RATE = 44100
CHUNK = 1024

p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream =
    rate=RATE, input=True,
    frames_per_buffer=CHUNK) #I get one signal

But using this method I can only get one signal at a time (stream), and I would need to get two simultaneous signals (two "stream").


  • I was able to solve splitting the list in two and changing CHANNELS=2

    if signal is the list I get from the pyaudio function, signal[::2] is a channel and signal[1::2] is another.

    There's a exemple below:

    sinal = np.frombuffer(, exception_on_overflow=False), np.int16)
    sinal[::2] #from channel 1 for exemple
    sinal[1::2] #from channel 2 for exemple