in my model defn i have
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField
I created a default admin
When i attempt to save without touching the field, i get a this field is required
It looks like a form validation issue because I can programatically save the model instance from code without issue.
Why is this happening?
have i missed something silly?
1) form.is_valid()
---> self.cleand_data[name] = field.clean(value)
2) field.clean(value)
-> self.to_python(value)
-> self.validate(value)
when look into the source code ,you can find that,it's mainly because the empty_values
# These values, if given to validate(), will trigger the self.required check.
EMPTY_VALUES = (None, '', [], (), {})
as you can see the empty dict {}
is as an empty value for JSONField. so it will raise Error.
from django.contrib.postgres import forms
class MyJSONField(forms.JSONField):
empty_values = [None, "", [], ()]
class MyJSONField(JSONField):
def formfield(self, **kwargs):
from ..forms import MyJSONField
return super().formfield(**{"form_class": MyJSONField, **kwargs})