
Using @variables:= in delphi query does not work

I have the following problem.

  ' SELECT                                                  '+
  '   IF(q.rank2 = 1, @rank:= 1, @rank:= @rank + 1) AS rank '+
  '   ,q.* FROM (                                            '+
  '   SELECT - MinGroepId( AS rank2       '+
  '     ,groep.otherfields                                  '+
  '   FROM groep                                            '+
  '   ORDER BY rank2 ) q;                                   ';

When I run this code I get an exception Incorrect token followed by ":" in ZQuery1.
How do I fix this? I need to use Delphi, because I cannot put this select in a MySQL procedure.
Zeos 6 does not support MySQL procedures that return a resultset.

I'm using Delphi 2007 and MySQL 5.1 with ZEOS 6.6.6.
Although I'm pretty sure the versions don't matter.
I'm not willing to switch versions as I'm too far into the project.


  • OK, I hacked a solution.
    But it sure is ugly, still it works (sorta).

    EDIT, this one works in dbForge-MySQL and Delphi

    First I created a stored function 'ranking' in MySQL, that stores a value and/or offset in @rank.

    CREATE DEFINER = 'root'@'localhost'
    FUNCTION MyDatabase.Ranking(NewRank INT, Addition INT)
      RETURNS int(11)
      IF NOT(NewRank IS NULL) THEN SET @rank:= NewRank; END IF;
      IF NOT(Addition IS NULL) THEN SET @rank:= @rank + Addition; END IF;
      RETURN @rank;   

    Next up, I changed the ZQuery1 to read something like:

    select ranking(null,1) as rank
      from groep
    join (select ranking(0,null)) r

    This works, and the full complex code in Delphi also works.(-_-')
    Another triumph over the evil machines

    So to recap.
    @varname is persistent within a stored procedure (inside a single connection of course).
    Exchanging @varname between the select statement and the stored procedure works in dbForge, but fails in Delphi.