
How can I run a script which is generated from another script under Oracle DB?

Does anybody know how to run all the lines generated from the following query as scripts on their own right?

select 'DROP TABLE '||table_name||' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS;' from user_tables;

What I'm basically trying to do, is delete all the user tables and constraints on my DB (this is oracle). The output I get is correct, but I want to know how I would run all the lines without copy/pasting.

Also, is there a more efficient way to drop all tables (including constraints)?


  • begin
      for i in (select table_name from user_tables)
        execute immediate ('drop table ' || i.table_name || ' cascade constraints');
      end loop;

    Justin Cave brought up an excellent point - the following will drop tables within the user's schema starting at the outermost branches of the hierarchy of dependencies, assuming all foreign keys reference the primary key, not a unique constraint. Tables without primary keys would be dropped last.

      for i in (select parent_table, max(tree_depth) as tree_depth
                  from (select parent.table_name as parent_table,
                               child.constraint_name as foreign_key, 
                               child.table_name as child_table,
                               LEVEL AS TREE_DEPTH
                          from (select table_name, constraint_name
                                  from USER_constraints
                                 where constraint_type = 'P'
                               ) parent 
                               LEFT JOIN
                               (SELECT TABLE_NAME, CONSTRAINT_NAME, 
                                  FROM USER_CONSTRAINTS
                                 WHERE CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'R') child
                                  on parent.constraint_name = 
                               CONNECT BY NOCYCLE 
                                 (PRIOR CHILD.TABLE_NAME = PARENT.TABLE_NAME)
                       select DT.table_name as parent_table,
                              NULL AS FOREIGN_KEY, NULL AS CHILD_TABLE,
                              0 AS TREE_DEPTH
                         FROM USER_TABLES DT
                        WHERE TABLE_NAME NOT IN
                              (SELECT TABLE_NAME
                                 FROM USER_CONSTRAINTS
                                WHERE CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P')
                 group by parent_table
                 order by 2 desc
        execute immediate ('drop table ' || i.parent_table || 
                           ' cascade constraints');
      end loop;