For example, I know that at runtime I will have only the following keys: string-key-1
, number-key-1
I can create a map of key to typed value like this:
sealed trait Container {
type T
def resolve: T = this match {
case StringContainer(s) => s.asInstanceOf[String]
case BigDecimalContainer(n) => n.asInstanceOf[BigDecimal]
// and more
final case class StringContainter(v: String) { type T = String }
final case class BigDecimalContainer(v: BigDecimal) { type T = BigDecimal }
Then I could enforce types like this:
Map[String, Container]
But that still requires the client to know that a string-key-1
type cannot map to a BigDecimalContainer
. Is there any way to create logic that internally maps tuples of (key, container type) => value
? Some sort of implicit predicate function is probably what I need, no?
You can use shapless hmap:
class KeyToValue[K, V]
case class StringKey(key: String)
case class IntKey(key: String)
implicit val keyToString = new KeyToValue[StringKey, String]
implicit val keyToInt = new KeyToValue[IntKey, Int]
val map = HMap[KeyToValue](
StringKey("string-key") -> "string-value",
IntKey("int-key") -> 0
val stringValueOption = map.get(StringKey("string-key")) //will be Some("string-value")
val intValueOption = map.get(IntKey("int-key")) //will be Some(0)