
Postman Collection Runner returns "No test" when running tests

I want to test the collection Test Server in Postman Collection Runner. However, when I run my tests they don't respond with a pass or fail. Postman only displays "No test" as a result.

Why are my tests returning "No test" in the Postman Collection Runner? How do I run my tests?

Collection Runner returning "No tests"


  • Or... maybe @Toi meant that you've written tests for your requests in that collection & the tests correctly give you passes & fails when run on their own, but then running your tests as a suite in Collection Runner doesn't give you any info about having run your tests(?) That's what I'm currently figuring out (again). Check it https://learning.getpostman.com/docs/postman/collection_runs/starting_a_collection_run/#collection-or-folder