I'm exploring some possible implementations of R subset of AxB, each with its limits and possibilities. I would also like, when possible, to define them as instances of the Category class or Semigroupoid class.
I have chosen the list of pairs since, with regard to the operation of composing lists, it only places types of the elements of the pair the constraint of being instances of the Eq class.
Now I'm stuck on this compiler error message: "No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘°’"
What's wrong?
module RelationT where
import Data.List
import Control.Category as Cat
data RelationT a b where
Id :: RelationT a a
RT :: (Eq a, Eq b) => [(a,b)] -> RelationT a b
instance Category RelationT where
id = Id
Id . r = r
r . Id = r
r1 . r2 = r1 ° r2 -- error: No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘°’
(°) :: (Eq a, Eq b, Eq t) => RelationT t b -> RelationT a t -> RelationT a b
RT r1 ° RT r2 = RT $ nub $ go r1 r2
go [] r = []
go r [] = []
go xys2 ( ((x1,y1): xys1)) = go2 x1 y1 xys2 [] ++ go xys2 xys1
go2 x y [] acc = acc
go2 x y ((w,z):wzs) acc
| y == w = go2 x y wzs ((x,z):acc)
| otherwise = go2 x y wzs acc
-- ex. RT [(1,'a'),(4,'b'),(5,'c'),(10,'d')] ° RT [(3,10),(1,5),(1,1)]
-- > RT [(3,'d'),(1,'c'),(1,'a')]
If you're storing the Eq
constraints in a GADT, there's no need to require that from the signature: by pattern-matching on the relation-values, the constraint will already be in scope. So, just change the signature to
(°) :: RelationT t b -> RelationT a t -> RelationT a b
The (Eq a, Eq b, Eq c)
information will still be available within the function body, because you've pattern-matched RT r1
and RT r2
there, which if successful witness that all the types have an Eq
That said: in my experience, this trick of storing a constraint in a GADT leads quickly into trouble when you want to do more involved stuff with your category. The problem is, the standard Category
class is not really suitable for a relation type like this, because it only supports categories which have exactly the same objects as Hask – i.e., all Haskell types. But your relation category really has only equality-comparable types as objects; with the extra Id
constructor you're forcibly extending it to also include relations between non-eq types, but there only the identity relation is available... that's quite a fragile hack.
The proper way out is to use a typeclass which allows the categories to have a more restricted notion of objects to begin with. The simplest means to do that are constraint kinds. From my constrained-categories
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds #-}
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
class Category k where
type Object k o :: Constraint
id :: Object k a => k a a
(.) :: (Object k a, Object k b, Object k c)
=> k b c -> k a b -> k a c
Then you can make the instance
data RelationT a b where
Id :: RelationT a a
RT :: [(a,b)] -> RelationT a b
instance Category RelationT where
type Object RelationT o = Eq o
id = Id
(.) = (°)