Situation: I have a button in my DDDW and i want to capture buttonclicked event.
Problem: when i click on the button in DDDW the buttonclicked event of DW Control is not fired and ItemChanged event is fired for DW control.
Question: How do i capture buttonclicked event for the button in DDDW? Or is there any other way i can delete a row from DDDW when delete button is clicked for a particular row?
PowerBuilder 12.5
According to the PB help, a DataWindowChild has no events :|
But, that doesn't mean we still can't hook into it via the DW control's itemchanged
event. Note: this is a hack, and underwent some very-limited testing. But, it demonstrates a point, I guess.
Here's what I did:
and name
columns, and a computed field (for the red X) named delete_button
event, I got the DDDW from the DW and stuck it in an instance variable:
dw_1.GetChild("profession", REF idwc_profession)
event for the DW control: // dw_1::itemchanged
// - DDDW is named "profession"
IF dwo.Name = "profession" THEN
IF IsValid(idwc_profession) THEN
string ls_clickedobject
// Get the DataWindowCHILD object where the pointer was clicked:
ls_clickedobject = idwc_profession.GetObjectAtPointer()
IF IsNull(ls_clickedObject) OR (ls_clickedobject = "") THEN RETURN
// Return from GetChild is <column name>~t<row number>; let's get
// the position of the tab character so we can parse it
long ll_tabPos
ll_tabPos = Pos(ls_clickedObject, "~t")
IF ll_tabPos > 0 THEN
string ls_clickedDddwColumn
ls_clickedDddwColumn = Trim(Left(ls_clickedObject, ll_tabPos - 1))
// Check to see if we've clicked on the computed field with the delete button
IF Lower(ls_clickedDddwColumn) = "delete_button" THEN
long ll_clickedDddwRow
// grab the row we want to delete
ll_clickedDddwRow = Long(Trim(Right(ls_clickedObject, Len(ls_clickedObject) - ll_tabPos)))
IF ll_clickedDddwRow > 0 THEN
// delete the row from the DDDW
SetNull(data) // reset our data
Also note that you may have to play around with the return value from itemchanged
to get it to do what you want. And, if you want to automatically dropdown the DDDW again after the deletion happens, you'd might be able to use the Send()
method to do so (I don't know the right "number" for that, though).